Pete and Ginnie Benson provided a lead gift that launched Kingswood University's capital campaign to build its first ever outdoor athletic complex. Pete is a former Wesleyan pastor and church planter who founded a financial management company that has grown to be a leading firm in the Nashville, Tenn., area. With a heart for God and a deep desire to see lost people come to know Christ, Pete and Ginnie respond to needs, big and small, as the Holy Spirit leads-most often, anonymously.
Pete witnessed tithing and the joy of overflowing generosity constantly in his home.
Generational Generosity
As is so often the case, Pete and Ginnie’s generosity didn’t begin with them. It has been a part of their family heritage, expressed through countless acts of selfless giving of time, treasure, and talent as far back as they can remember.
Pete’s grandparents, Bedford and Catherine Cook, were members of Seal Cove Wesleyan Church on Grand Manan Island, located off the coast of New Brunswick, Canada. In the 1960’s, Bedford spent many days traveling to the mainland to volunteer his help pouring concrete and lending a hand in the building of Kingwood University’s campus (Kingswood was formerly Bethany Bible College).
Pete witnessed tithing and the joy of overflowing generosity constantly in his home:

From the time I was very young, I can picture every Sunday, Mom or Dad would reach up to this little safe in the top cupboard in our kitchen. They would pull down their tithing box of envelopes. They never, ever failed. And my parents and Ginnie’s parents were voracious givers! They would give to the church and to help people far beyond what would be perceived as ordinary.
This kind of giving comes from the heart of God and he loves to sometimes perform miracles to encourage the faith of his children who “get it.” And it hasn’t stopped with Pete and Ginny. The legacy of generosity is being seen lived out in practical ways through the Bensons' children and grandchildren as well. “What’s really cool is that all three of our kids are ‘givers,’” Pete said. “They all get immense joy in giving to God and others.”