
Scott Rhyno

Rev. Scott Rhyno serves as chief development director for The Wesleyan Church. He is passionate about all aspects of generosity and the Church, celebrating every time a vision is realized through kingdom resources.

He is originally from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. In faith and obedience, Scott left a career in the business world in 2000 to study for ministry in The Wesleyan Church at Kingswood University (formerly Bethany Bible College). He served there for 10 years over two terms, leading in the areas of enrollment, communications, and development.

Scott and his wife, Elizabeth, have served as worship pastors in several Wesleyan churches and regularly travel to lead worship at churches and conference events. They also provide worship teaching and consultations to local churches around North America.

In addition to local and district leadership responsibilities and committees, Rev. Rhyno has served on the boards of World Hope Canada, Beulah Camp and Conference Center, and the Wesleyan Bible Conference Center.
